The Cigar Shoppe North Georgia
The Cigar Shoppe, now a north Georgia institution, proudly boasts…
- Over 1000 varieties of cigars.
- 3 separate lounges areas.
- A phenomenal bar that has over 70 different beers from all around the world.
- Over 1500 different wines to match anyone’s palates.
- A grand selection of ports from relatively young 10 years old to a once in a lifetime experience of a 70 year old Burmester found in Hitler’s Bunker.
- Coming soon – 1500 sq ft Smoke Free Wine Lounge and tasting room with a 4000 bottle wine cellar.
- Outside patio that will have live music on the week ends. On any given day you will find a cordial and professional highly trained staff awaiting your arrival and an even friendlier group of people waiting to make your acquaintance.
Established Out Of Necessity with a theme borne out of a common love of cigars, pipes, unique beverages and of course - friendship….